9 at-home wellness hacks

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Extraordinary health isn't just about extravagant gym memberships or costly organic food. Superior well-being is often found in the subtlest and simplest ways. With a few wellness hacks, you can transform your home into a nurturing, holistic haven. We’re going to show you how.

wellness at home

Here are our 9 at-home wellness hacks:


1. Embrace the cold

Though many shiver at the mention of a cold shower, it packs an unexpected punch of health benefits. An easy way to give your immune system an extra boost is through regular cold showers. The shock of cold water not only increases blood circulation but also improves mood and metabolism, helping you kickstart your day with a jolt of energy. For an even greater way to optimize your health, pair your cold shower with simple stretches to shake off stiffness and lethargy.

2. Breathe in high-quality air

While we can't control the outdoor air quality, we can improve the air we breathe at home. Consider investing in high-quality air purifiers to filter out dust and allergens. Adding houseplants will not only improve air quality but also add a touch of nature to your space, offering an energy boost and mental health benefits.

3. Let light in

Natural light is a powerhouse of wellness. It helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle and boost serotonin production, known as our happy hormone. Open up those curtains and let sunlight flood in. Even better? Step outside, soak in the sun, and inhale the fresh air. It's a great way to fortify your daily routine.

4. Meditate with help

Your wellness journey doesn't need to be a solo one. Leverage the myriad meditation apps in the market. These offer guided sessions to help you begin or deepen your meditation journey, aiding stress reduction and mental clarity.

5. Practice positive self-talk

We often overlook the immense power of our thoughts. Positive self-talk is a simple and powerful tool to improve mental health. It stimulates feelings of worth and confidence. Stand in front of the mirror each morning and say something encouraging to yourself. Need some inspiration? Try these 5 affirmations for every mom.

6. Write your thoughts

A gratitude journal has been shown to contribute to mental health significantly. It's an easy way of cultivating happiness, where you list down things you are grateful for. Noting even the most simple things can be an excellent practice of mindfulness and a way to keep the negative at bay.

mom writing in her journal

7. Savor dark chocolate

Indeed, you've read right! Dark chocolate, especially ones that are high in cacao, comes packed with antioxidants. Chomping on a piece post-dinner can help with digestion and act as a mood elevator.

8. Invest in good sleep

Topping off the wellness hacks list is getting enough sleep. It is essential for better health, mood, and overall well-being. Set up a conducive sleep environment, with a comfortable temperature and minimal disruptions.

9. Feed your skin

Coconut oil is not just for cooking. It’s a simple way to nourish your skin too. Use it as a moisturizer, lip balm, or even hair conditioner. The healthy fats of coconut oil make it a natural, chemical-free alternative for better health and well-being.

a woman doing a face mask in the bathroom

Bonus: Transform your tub into a spa

  1. Fill your tub with body-temp water.

  2. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and a few drops of your favorite bath oil (we love this eucalyptus and spearmint combo).

  3. For full sensory relief, turn off all of the lights as you submerge up to your face and let your body relax into the water.

  4. If you need some gentle sounds, opt for soft, wordless spa music. Think of this as your calm-inducing backdrop.

And voila! You've got your own spa-like retreat, right at home.

Finding the best ways to wellness usually comes down to those little habits we weave into our everyday lives. Yep, even something as simple as drinking enough water!


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