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Real Talk: How My Husband and I Decided on His Vasectomy
In today’s “Real Talk,” CityMom Kira shares how she and her husband decided which permanent birth control option was best for them.
The broken mom: A raw letter to my dear daughters
"I am afraid that my brokenness will break you as I don’t know if what I am doing is right." This is a letter to my daughters.
Level up your self-care: How to date yourself with Aisha Rose
Guest author Aisha Rose takes a look at why dating yourself should be a constant in your self-care toolkit. Read more here.
A mom’s confession: I’m not ready for him to grow up
“Next year my son will graduate high school. And I’m not ready.” CityMom Jeanine is facing a new stage of parenting, and like so many of us, it’s hard not to feel emotional.
“Mommy needs wine,” a CityMom’s story
CityMom Claire shares her experience with alcohol and the pervasiveness of “mommy wine culture.” Read her vulnerable story here.
We're celebrating bicultural holidays. And yeah, it's tough.
Turns out the way you grew up doing Christmas most likely is not the way your neighbor did it, let alone someone from a different culture. CityMom Jeannie talks with her husband about his Christmas traditions of growing up in Venezuela.
Postpartum anxiety and me: A CityMom’s story
CityMoms Kristina’s story seeks to normalize conversations and empower moms to seek support for postpartum depression and anxiety. Read her experience here.
Discovering I had postpartum depression: A CityMom’s story
In continuing our postpartum series, CityMom Morgan recounts the moment she realized what she was experiencing was postpartum depression. Read her story here.
Breastfeeding didn’t work for me: A CityMom’s story
As a first-time mom, Britny was frequently asked, “Do you plan to breastfeed?” The answer at the time was simple - she was going to try. Read her story here.
An unplanned c-section: A CityMom’s story
Needing a c-section didn’t cross my mind until I could see my baby’s heart rate dropping every time I had a contraction.
Putting myself first postpartum: A CityMom’s story
In continuing our postpartum series, CityMom Hannah shares the dramatically different experiences she had with both of her sons postpartum, and how anxiety played a role. Read her story here.
5 things single moms want you to know
CityMom Kailly sat down with us to chat about everything from co-parenting and dating to breaking stereotypes. Here are 5 things she wants you to know about the single #momlife.
Postpartum in a pandemic: A CityMom’s story
The final piece in our postpartum series explores CityMom Emily’s experience as a new mom during a pandemic and the impact it had on her mental health. She shares her story here.
There is no “right” way to be a mom
CityMom Claire shares her breastfeeding journey and the toll feeding babies has on mothers.
Join a gym. It changed me.
Despite going to grad school, raising a son with special needs, and being a wife and mother, I needed to take care of me. My epiphany: joining a gym.
When plan B takes over
Do you live by your own personal plan A? What if one day it's time for plan b? Do you have one set? Here's CityMom Jeannie's journey thru hers.
How our modern marriage looks in a pandemic
"We both took my maiden name as our middle names and his last name as our surname." This is Hannah's story of modern marriage in a pandemic.
Do the boudoir photos momma.
Photographer Jenny Mundy talks thru her boudoir photo process, and why it's one of the most empowering things a woman can do for herself.
It's been 365 days since I last had fun
It’s been 365 days since I began worrying about being out in public, friends losing their parents to virus, and I laughed with friends.
Reflections from an introverted mom
I’m telling you now, because no one warned me 6 years ago: Being a mom while also being an introvert is hard! #MomConfession