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Level up your self-care: How to date yourself with Aisha Rose
Guest author Aisha Rose takes a look at why dating yourself should be a constant in your self-care toolkit. Read more here.
How to take a guilt-free mom retreat
Women hear self-care in terms of bath bombs and mani-pedis, but how does that help? A personal retreat... now that has staying power.
Parenting with ADHD: a CityMom’s story
CityMom Kim shares her experience parenting as an adult with ADHD and the things she's learned about her herself, read more here.
4 ways to use music as therapy
Do you notice after you listen to a fave song you feel better? We’ve got four ways (from an actual music therapist) you can experiment with music to release stress here.
10 things to stop apologizing for right now
We're taught to say sorry for anything and everything—it's a dirty little habit that's hard to break, but this is a great place to start!
8 Mental health activities for toddlers
We’ve got a list of fun activities that can help boost your little ones’ mood and nurture their emotional growth.
5 affirmations for every mom
It is easy to be self-critical as a mom, but affirmations can help change that mindset. We’ve got 5 to help you get started!
Putting myself first postpartum: A CityMom’s story
In continuing our postpartum series, CityMom Hannah shares the dramatically different experiences she had with both of her sons postpartum, and how anxiety played a role. Read her story here.
Breaking down postpartum depression and anxiety
You’ve heard of the “baby blues,” but what if they linger (or worsen)? Read on to discover what's typical of new motherhood and when it might be time to call the doc.
Mental health resources every mom should know
We’re dropping five mental health resources that every mom should know. Because IYKYK and these are some of the strongest fighters to have in your corner.
How to find the right therapist
After the year we've all experienced, seeking therapy may be key. Here are tips to help you find the right therapist for your needs.
Coping with social distancing:: supporting our kids' mental health
We’ve seen the range of reactions in adults to the COVID-19 pandemic. The truth is, this is hard and there is no right or wrong way to react. So, what do you do when you see that reaction coming from your small child? CityMom Laurel is sharing her experience.
It's my mental health anniversary.
My mental health struggles were my personal business. Now I'm celebrating them. This is the anniversary of my mental health and I want you to know this: