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Yes, the state of Indiana has a Tampon Tax
Indiana provides tax exemptions on items that are considered essential... yet tampons and pads are conspicuously off the list. This is the detail behind "The Tampon Tax" of Indiana.
Broad Ripple Park has a historical past, exciting future
Walking through Broad Ripple Park, you might not realize you’re standing on a piece of Indianapolis history - one now getting an update.
The Menstrual Equity Movement: Combatting period poverty
Period poverty refers not only to difficulty purchasing pads and tampons, but barriers like sanitary disposal methods, or a clean place to shower. Why do some women struggle to meet a basic hygiene need despite growing awareness and advocacy?
The great 2020 childcare crisis is real. So what are we going to do?
The childcare crisis has hit working women hard. How do we recover from a pandemic, less caregiving options, and ‘hey momma, figure this out? We're diving in to the Great Childcare Crisis of 2020.
Voting 101:: a nonpartisan primer
We believe voting is extremely important and want you to be armed with the best information possible, so give this a peep before heading to the polls.
I have the BRCA1 Mutation and made a difficult choice.
It felt like my body had betrayed me. On one hand, my body was providing food and nutrients for my child, I never felt more powerful. On the other hand, I felt like a ticking time bomb.
Goldfish Swim School is keeping us Safer. Stronger. Together.
Spoiler alert: Swim lessons are one of the few non-contact activities kids can participate in, and it can save lives! Stay safer, stronger, together at Goldfish. #sponsored
Breast Cancer Awareness Month :: Ellen's story
"You lose your breast, you lose everything that makes you female... and it's hard." This is Ellen's powerful story during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
A look at the Women of the Indiana State Parks
Though parks work is historically a male-dominated profession nationwide, the Women of the Indiana State Parks are doing significant work protecting and promoting our most beautiful Hoosier treasures.
People for Urban Progress :: Turae Dabney-Mumford in the Momlight
Some leaders might champion one or two major missions - Executive Director of People for Urban Progress Turae Dabney-Mumford isn't afraid of more. And today she gets real about balance, motherhood, and supporting women.
Parenthood during the pandemic: a CityMom's perspective
Here is my note to every employer out there: If you have employees who are parents, now is your time to take care of them the way you expect them to take care of your business.
What is National Public Lands Day and why does it matter?
Hey Momma, this Saturday is National Public Lands Day. Join us in celebrating by giving back to our local, state, and national parks.
Are you ready to vote?
Today is National Voter Registration Day and theCityMoms want to your voice to be heard this November!
2020 Fall Bucket List :: 50 fun activities this autumn
Our CityMoms are bringing the fun this autumn social distanced style! Peep our Fall Bucket List of 50 activities for you and your family.
The Black women of the Indy food scene
Hey CityMoms! We are thrilled to feature some outstanding culinary leaders in Indianapolis. The Black Women of the Indy food scene are dishing it up their way, and we are here for every last bite! Warning, do not read this on an empty stomach.
How little is too little? We're talking sex and marriage!
We've either done it, are doing it, or wondering when we might do it again? Sex seems ubiquitous in relationships and marriages, but is it? Today, we're chatting sex and marriage- how much is enough?
Indy Maven :: Leslie Bailey in the Momlight
We are shining the Momlight on Leslie Bailey of Indy Maven! She is on the scene of everything new and exciting and has her finger on the pulse of the city.
The Women of Mass Ave :: the female business owners of Indy's busiest corridor
Ann Dancing isn’t the only lady rocking out on the angle, the Women of Mass Ave are making a major impact on this dynamic neighborhood.
The teacher's experience of reopening schools during COVID? Not great.
Should schools reopen and how? We wanted to know the teacher’s experience with reopening schools. What is it like when you are suddenly the new frontline hero?
Indianapolis Parks Foundation :: Jenny Cash in the Momlight
Get ready momma: Special things are happening in our city, and you’re set to learn all about them from Indy mom Jenny Cash of the Indianapolis Parks Foundation.